Defensible Space for Ecological Benefit

Defensible Space for Ecological Benefit Committee


The goal of this committee is to develop best management practices for defensible space that enhance ecological values.

“A fire smart yard is an ecologically healthy yard” - Fay Mark

Best management practices are intended to provide a basis for development of educational materials and guidelines for the general public, residents, defensible space inspectors and workforce, and landscape professionals. The committee’s work is intended to support and enhance printed materials, online resources, and training programs funded by the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA) and offered by the MWPA or other jurisdictions and organizations, particularly FIRESafe MARIN, UC Cooperative Extension’s Master Gardeners, and Marin Municipal Water District.

Committee working groups:

Current working groups

1. Plant Choice/Replacement plants

Exclude invasive species, high water users and “fire hazardous” plants
Feature natives and other wildlife friendly species
Task: develop short list of replacement species for those on fire hazardous plants. Review FSM hazard plants, and MV d-space code excluded species.
2. Wildlife Benefit
Pollen and Food plants
Structural habitat
Water sources
Do work outside of nesting season.
Task: Develop list of tips to enhance fire smart yards as wildlife habitat
3. Maintenance
Appropriate mulches
Leaf and plant detritus
Pruning for fire resistance
Transition from risky yard to fire smart yard over time
Review existing online info and id gaps and enhancements
Task: brochure for landscape companies

Next up working group

• Training topics for landscape contractors and maintenance workers

Future topics for working groups