ESP Partners

ESP Community Collaborative Partners

Who are the ESP Partnership members?

The ESP Partnership was initiated by the Marin fire agencies, Fire Safe Marin, Organizing for Action Marin, Marin Conservation League, and Sustainable San Rafael. These organizers formed a Steering Committee to launch the ESP Partnership and will continue to facilitate work moving forward.

The Steering Committee invited people from organizations and agencies recognized for their expertise and involvement in wildfire, climate, and ecologically sound practices. The list consists of renowned fire professionals, fire scientists and fire ecologists;  climate scientists, planners and advocates; leading specialists in gardens, native plants, pollination, wildlife and ecosystems, watersheds, soil, forests, composting, waste processing and carbon sequestration.

This is an evolving process with the goal of creating a forum that is inclusive, coordinated and consensus driven. Organizers expect that ESP Partnership membership will grow to reflect a full range of relevant stakeholders committed to this effort.  

Public agencies (county, city, regional, State, Federal) and universities

• Marin Open Space District
• Marin Municipal Water District
• California State Parks
• Golden Gate National Recreation Area
• Marin Resource Conservation District
• One Tam
• Drawdown: Marin
• City of San Rafael
• Town of San Anselmo
• San Anselmo Sustainability Commission
• Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy
• UC Cooperative Extension College of Marin

Non-profits and others dedicated to wildfire, climate and the environment

• Marin Conservation League 
• Marin Master Gardeners
• Marin Native Plant Society
• Marin Audubon
• Nature Conservancy of California 
• West Marin Environmental Action 
• Audubon Canyon
• Watershed Alliance of Marin 
• Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed 
• Bonnie Bee & Company 
• Organizing for Action Marin
• Sustainable San Rafael 
• Sierra Club Marin Group 
• 350 Marin 
• Green Change

Biomass resource (aka “green waste”) managers

• Marin Sanitary Service
• West Marin Compost
• Waste Management Redwood Landfill 
• Mill Valley Refuse
• Zero Waste Marin
• Carbon Cycle Institute
• Carbo Culture 
• Recology 

Urban foresters

• California Urban Forest Council