Ecologically Sound Practices, 2022-23 Summary

Ecologically Sound Practices, 2022-23 Summary



  • MWPA approval of Ecologically Sound Practices for Vegetation Management, June 2022

  • Ecologically Sound Practices recognized as basis for worker training curriculum by FIRE Foundry leadership

ESP Events and Field Trips 2022-23

  • December 12, 2023 – Charlotte Jourdain, MWPA consultant, presented and led discussion on MWPA “Evacuation/Ingress/Egress Risk Assessment” project with Tami Lavezzo of Sonoma Technology. Anne Crealock gave a high-level overview of MWPA 2023 activities.

  • November 28, 2023 – MWPA and ESP co-hosted site visit to see fire fuel reduction work for the “Greater Ross Valley Shaded Fuel Break”, visiting one site from phase 1 of the project and one site from phase 2. 

  • November 14, 2023 – Eric Schoohs and Caitlin Cornwall from the Sonoma Ecology Center presented “The Handbook for Ecologically Informed Vegetation Management in Sonoma County”.

  • October 26, 2023 – Site visit hosted by MWPA, Novato Fire Protection District, and the ESP Partnership to see fire fuel reduction work for the “Greater Novato Shaded Fuel Break Project” led by Mike Swezy. 

  • October 9, 2023 – Frontiers of Fire: Training Review with Josh Dimon, scientist with the U.C. Berkeley Disaster Lab, leading Panel of ESP participants: Meg McCabe, Belle Cole, Tanya Baxter, Mimi Choudhury, Sophia Porter.

  • September 12, 2023 – Site visit to a fuel reduction project implemented along the northern edge of Stinson Beach hosted by MWPA, ESP Partnership, Stinson Beach FPD, and Golden Gate National Recreation fuel reduction project.

  • August 29, 2023 – Public field trip to learn more about the “San Rafael San Anselmo Fuel Reduction Zone Project”, led by Quinn Gardner and Kate Anderson.

  •   August 8, 2023 – Fire smart landscaping and ecologically sound practices
    Presenters: UC Cooperative Extension, Sophia Porter; Marin Master Gardeners, Jim Kasper and Bob Mauceli

  •   July 11, 2023 – Chance Cutrano, provided information on " Fish in the Fields", his nature-based strategy for climate smart rice cultivation and his exploratory tool for visualization of overlapping priorities.

  •   June 13, 2023 – MWPA and ESP Webinar, Lessons Learned in the Sierra: Owls, Stewardship and Wildfire presented by Dr. Brandon Collins, associated with the UC Berkeley Center for Fire Research and Outreach and US Fire Service.

  •   May 9, 2023 – Bill Carney introduced MarinCAN, countywide public/private partnership tackling climate change in Marin county. Jennifer Gauda laid out Ember Stomp goals for May 20.

  •   April 26, 2023 – MWPA, Marin County Fire and the ESP Partnership co-hosted site visit to see fire fuel reduction work for the Marin City Fuel Reduction Zone Project

  •   March 14, 2023 – Biodiversity: crisis and model gardens, organized by Bonnie Morse

  •   February 14, 2023 – ESP and FIRE foundry course: Frontiers of Fire Management and Urban Forests featuring Nancy Hughes and Bill Carney

  •   November 15, 2022 – Valley Memorial Park Eucalyptus Removal Project, Novato- Site Visit

  •   November  9, 2022 – promoted public workshop discussing plans for Novato Shaded Fuel Break project

  •   November 8, 2022 – Impacts from the Woodward Fire and their influence on community resilience led by Tanya Baxter

  •   October, 2022 – San Rafael Shaded Fuel Break Site visit, Greenwood Neighborhood

  • July, 2022 – San Rafael Mountain Park Fuel Reduction Project and Goat Grazing for Wildfire Risk reduction in Open Space projects, led by Kate Anderson

  •   June 7, 2022 – Citron Bowl Field Trip, led by Todd Lando

  •   May 11, 2022 – MWPA Webinar- “Science Behind Fire Fuels Reduction”, organized by Bruce Goines

  •   March, 2022 “Working Together for Marin's Watersheds; How Marin County Teamed up with Marin RCD”, Sarah Phillips

  • January, 2022 “Project Portal for Development of MWPA's FY 2022-2023 Work Plan”, Anne Crealock and Josh Hampshire 

The ESP Partnership marks a new way of working together that can serve as a model for other communities facing climate emergencies

 The ESP Partnership is a collaboration between fire authorities and climate and environmental organizations of Marin to mitigate the risk of wildfires: 

·        advises Marin's fire professionals, 

·        defines best practices to guide the implementation of the wildfire prevention plans

·        offers expertise and recommendations on specific projects. 

·        serves as a community resource. 

·        has three areas of focus:

Vegetation Management and Habitat Protection

Carbon Resource Management

Defensible Space for Ecological Benefit

 The ESP Partnership is a forum to

·        bring questions, concerns, and solutions to the table     

·        coordinate communication with fire professionals

·        reduce redundancy of effort

·        develop solutions across areas of expertise

Membership of over 100 specialists from public agencies (including colleges & universities), non-profits and others dedicated to wildfire, climate, the environment and waste management; biomass managers and urban foresters.

Join our monthly meetings and field trips- 
