Upcoming Meeting, Special Events & Field Trip Dates
Sign up for Meeting notices: espwildfires@gmail.com
December 2024 - December 2025
ESP Partnership Forums, December 2024-December 2025
2-4 pm, Second Tuesday of the Month, Field Trips *
Remaining 2024
December 10
January through December, 2025
January 14
February 11
March 11
April 8
June 10
July 8
August 12
September 9
November 11
December 9
ESP Partnership Meeting
Report and analysis from Paul da Silva about the proceedings and outcomes of the COP 16 International Biodiversity Conference in Cali, Colombia where he was an invited participant.
link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84835926995?pwd=DC6g6K5mRKCa5hFbXHbYKV6g6HzlIt.1
Ring Mountain Field Trip
Please join the
Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority, the Southern Marin Fire District, Marin County Parks, and the Ecologically Sound Practices Partnership on January 17, 10am-noon for a field trip to view the Ring Mountain Fuel Break. This site visit will include a short walk to see more of the great work funded by Measure C!
Project: Ring Mountain Fuel Break
Date/Time: January 17, 10am-noon
Meeting Location: 6-16 Indian Rock Ct, Tiburon (Please carpool as parking is limited)
Google Map Link: Click Here
Project Webpage: Click Here
Measure C Project Webmap: Click Here
Other info: Please wear layers and footwear appropriate for walking on uneven terrain. This event will either be live streamed or recorded for future viewing. Rain cancels.
RSVPs to: acrealock@marinwildfire.org
ESP Partnership meeting: Marin Wildfire Project Data Collection and Monitoring
Anne Crealock, Marin Wildfire Planning and Program Manager, and Jacob Dadmun, Marin Wildfire Vegetation Management Specialist will present on Marin Wildfire's new data collection and monitoring program, which tracks all core Measure C-funded vegetation management projects throughout the county. There will be an overview of how the system works, what data are collected, and how the tool will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of treatments, and create new opportunities for adaptive management
zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85075275270?pwd=Zzjx8RnaGa64sGScrnIJPcUhWSh
ESP Partnership meeting: Marin Master Gardeners- Adapting your garden to climate change and wildfire risk
Join us for presentations from UC Marin Master Gardeners- Kathy Hunting & Kathleen Cutter, a Senior Wildfire Mitigation Specialist with MWPA. UC Marin Master Gardeners are UC trained and certified volunteers providing research-based knowledge on sustainable landscape practices, pest management, and home horticulture to gardeners in Marin county.
zoomlink: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82986393401?pwd=TWKA0FhQNmqGCJa1Wmrgen5K3TKbKD.1
ESP Partnership meeting: Addressing the wildfire crisis.
Please join us at the ESP Partnership meeting: Wednesday, November 13, 2-4 pm
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/829863934I.
Our presenters, Mark Brown, Bruce Goines and Todd Lando will have attended The Red Sky Summit in San Francisco the day before our meeting and will be reporting on what they learned about developing and scaling innovative technology-based solutions to the wildfire crisis. A unique opportunity for us.
Upcoming field trip and meetings:
· December 6, 10 to noon, Southern Marin Ring Mountain Field trip (not confirmed)
· December 10, 2-4 pm. Marin Master Gardeners- Adapting your garden to climate change and wildfire risk- presentations from Kathy Hunting & Kathleen Cutter. UC Marin Master Gardeners are UC trained and certified volunteers who provide research-based knowledge on sustainable landscape practices, pest management, and home horticulture to gardeners in Marin county.
· January 14, 2025, 2-4 pm. Marin Wildfire Project Data Collection and Monitoring, Anne Crealock, Marin Wildfire Planning and Program Manager, and Jacob Dadmun, Marin Wildfire Vegetation Management Specialist will present on Marin Wildfire's new data collection and monitoring program, which tracks all core Measure C-funded vegetation management projects throughout the county. There will be an overview of how the system works, what data are collected, and how the tool will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of treatments, and create new opportunities for adaptive management
Please RSVP if you can.
Belle and Core Team
ESP: Marin Biomass Project: Our Progress So Far
We are meeting Tuesday, October 8 from 2-4 p.m. on zoom. Here is link:
If you have any difficulty accessing the link, please call the phone number below.
There will be a presentation on the “Marin Biomass Project: Our Progress So Far” by Chad White, Project Manager and Belle Cole, Chair, Biomass Steering Committee. Other ESP members who also are members of the Biomass Steering Committee, will be present and contributing.
The Marin Biomass Project was developed to identify positive ways for Marin to use biomass flows from wildfire prevention. Two years ago this project secured a grant from the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research to carry out a Biomass Utilization Study (Study). The goal of this Study is to make recommendations that can catalyze Marin’s sustainable development of a new circular bio-economy that not only drives down greenhouse gas emissions, but also supports regenerative agricultural practices and a more regenerative economy.
ESP partnership Meeting, October 8, 2024. 2-4 pm
I. Welcome and Introductions, Belle, 5 minutes
II. Latest with ESP, Belle, 5 minutes
III. MWPA Updates and Announcements, Anne Crealock, 10 minutes
IV. Firesafe Marin- Results from Ember Stomp, 5-10 minutes
V. Presentation and Q&A: Marin Biomass Project: Our Progress So Far
1 hour and 20 minutes
Chad White and Belle Cole will present slides and invite discussion covering the Marin Biomass Project’s purpose, approach (principles) and observations so far about biomass flows and promising utilization pathways, followed by consideration of next steps. They invite questions to the chat and direct participation. For information on the
Marin Biomass Project see:
VI. Next meetings and Field Trips
Tuesday, October 22,10 am. Site visit to the Greater Novato Shaded Fuel Break Project (GNSFB). This will be a brief (1 hr) site visit to see how this project is progressing and learn about the use of pile burning. For more information, visit the project webpage.
Wednesday, November 13, 2- 4 pm, Innovative High Tech and fire prevention- reflections from Marin fire professionals on the Red Sky Summit, 2024 presentations and high tech demos, Mark Brown, Bruce Goines and other Marin attendees.
December 10, 2-4 pm. Marin Master Gardeners- Adapting Your Garden to
Climate Change and Wildfire Risk- presentations from Kathy Hunting and Kathleen Cutter. UC Marin Master Gardeners are UC trained and certified volunteers who provide research-based knowledge on sustainable landscape practices, pest management, and home horticulture to gardeners in Marin county.
January 14, 2025, 2-4 pm. Marin Wildfire Project Data Collection and
Monitoring, Anne Crealock, Marin Wildfire Planning and Program Manager, and Jacob Dadmun, Marin Wildfire Vegetation Management Specialist will present on Marin Wildfire’s new data collection and monitoring program, which tracks all core Measure C-funded vegetation management projects throughout the county. There will be an overview of how the system works, what data are collected, and how the tool will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of treatments, and create new opportunities for adaptive management.
ESP July 23 Meeting
Tuesday, July 23, 2-4 pm
Invite link:
ESP, Fire Foundry "Frontiers of Fire" course: report on completion of second year of training.
Those presenting: Josh Dimon and Fire Foundry staff, recruits and ESP presenters. This year we had a total of 35 different speakers from various fields, around ~20 recruits in each session, and 14 individual sessions.
Following the meeting, we are hosting a celebration in appreciation of all who have made this possible at Belle Cole's home, 38 Oakdale Ave.,San Rafael, 94901 starting at 4:30 pm. We especially want to thank Louis Chow who staffed the complex 2024 effort and will be leaving us. You are all invited.
Best wishes,
Belle and Core Team
415-482-6627 (cell)
Special ESP/MWPA July 2024 Event
Wednesday, July 10, from noon to 1:30 pm
Professor Daniel Swain, UCLA, presenting, along with Mark Brown, on Wildfires and Climate Change
Dear Friends:
We are delighted to remind you of this exciting and timely event. A few tips: doors open at noon, event begins at 12:15 pm. Parking is available in parking lot at 1600 Los Gamos Drive. Please register asap.
Dr. Daniel Swain, UCLA, is presenting, along with Mark Brown, on Wildfires and Climate Change in Northern California. Dr. Swain will be here in person. The meeting is taking place in MWPA chambers, 1600 Los Gamos Dr., suite 335, San Rafael. CA 94903. The meeting will also be broadcast via Zoom.
Daniel (popularly known as "Weather West") currently holds joint appointments as a climate scientist within UCLA’s Institute of the Environment and Sustainability and a research fellow in the Capacity Center for Climate and Weather Extremes at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. You can find him on Twitter/X, YouTube, and the Weather West blog.
Registration required (for both in-person and virtual attendance):
Forest Health Restoration Best Practices Workshop
The Workshop addressed current conditions of Marin Forest lands and discussed best management practices available to restore health and resilience of our forest systems. We include here video of meeting, attachments including new document on the ESP Partnership).
The Panel was moderated by Bruce Goines..
Panel members were::
Danny Franco, Sr. Project Manager, One Tam/Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy “ Key findings from the Marin Regional Forest Health Strategy: summarizing the impact of fire exclusion, pathogens, and climate change on forest resilience across Marin County”.
Anne Crealock, MWPA Planning And Program Manager “Wildfire Prevention practices currently being employed by Marin's Joint Powers Authority to protect the built environment and reduce risks of catastrophic wildfire in Marin's Wildland Urban Interface.
Dr. Malcolm North, PSW Research, UC Davis “Best available science-based practices to reduce the risk of catastrophic fires and restore forest health”
Tori Norville, UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Fire Science Advisor servingSonoma, Napa and Marin Counties. “Going beyond the WUI – How Forest Management Practices and Disturbance Ecology Interact”
Best wishes,
Belle and Core Team
415-482-6627 (cell)
ESP May 2024 Meeting
Tuesday, May 14, 1-3 pm
Forest Health Restoration Best Practices Workshop
Workshop addresses current conditions of Marin Forest lands and discussion on best management practices available to restore health and resilience of our forest systems.
Panel: Danny Franco, Bruce Goines, Dr. Malcolm North, Tori Norvelle.
Danny Franco, Sr. Project Manager, One Tam/Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy “ Key findings from the Marin Regional Forest Health Strategy: summarizing the impact of fire exclusion, pathogens, and climate change on forest resilience across Marin County”. 1:10-1:30 pm.
Bruce Goines, MWPA Representative MWPA Dir “Wildfire Prevention practices currently being employed by Marin's Joint Powers Authority to protect the built environment and reduce risks of catastrophic wildfire in Marin's Wildland Urban Interface. 1:30- 1:45 p:m.
Dr. Malcolm North, PSW Research, UC Davis “Best available science-based practices to reduce the risk of catastrophic fires and restore forest health”, 1:45- 2:15 pm
Tori Norvelle, UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Fire Science Advisor serving Sonoma, Napa and Marin Counties. “Going beyond the WUI – How Forest Management Practices and Disturbance Ecology Interact”, 2:15- 2:45 pm.
Panel Discussion: 2:45 to 3 pm.
ESP April 2024 Meeting
ESP Partnership,meeting Tuesday, April 9 from 2-4 pm.
Zoom invite: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81319088841?pwd=RW9LWk5rZmhlamV1dHZyMWRxb1ZVUT09
We are pleased to announce two presentations.
Jacob Dadmun, Vegetation Management Specialist, MWPA will highlight major takeaways for land managers from the MWPA's recently published white paper on shaded fuel breaks..The white paper examines existing scientific literature on the efficacy and ecological benefits of shaded fuel breaks
Andrew Ludwig, Vegetation Program Manager•PG&Ewill talk about PG&E vegetation management practices.
ESP March 2024 Meeting
ESP Partnership Meeting, March 12, 2024
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85474421063?pwd=aC84cEpPMjlQbFJUT0pUblVwMWVndz09
Welcome and Introductions, 10 minutes
ESP Overview , including future events, 5-10 minutes
Report from Anne Crealock on MWPA developments, 5-10 minutes
Presentation including Q&A, beginning at 2:30 pm for an hour plus
Mark Brown will present on "What made Maui fire so destructive and burning of Canada's northwest boreal forests”.
Mark will discuss:
how climate change has impacted fires globally
how climate change has changed the wildfire environment within boreal forests throughout the world
impacts climate change may have had during the Lahaina and other factors that had more of an influence in Lahaina
how this helps to inform our work towards becoming fire adapted in Marin County.
Brief Background on speaker, Mark Brown
Mark is the Executive Officer, Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority.
He started his career as a volunteer firefighter in 1986 in Sonoma County. He was hired by the Marin County Fire Department as a Firefighter/Paramedic in 1991 and retired as the Deputy Fire Chief after serving for nearly 30 years. Mark retired in order to assume the position as Executive Officer of MWPA, a joint powers agency charged with increasing the safety of Marin’s residents. through vegetation management projects, evacuation route clearing, evacuation system improvements, public education and defensible space evaluations.
Mark served on a CAL FIRE Incident Management Team for 15 years as a Type I Operations Section Chief and was qualified as a Type II Incident Commander. Chief Brown was a founding member of the North Bay Incident Management Team, a Type III All-Hazards IMT in the San Francisco Bay Area and was the Program Manager and one of the Incident Commanders.
ESP December 2023 Meeting
ESP Partnership Meeting, December 12, 2023
The ESP Partnership meeting on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 is from 2-4 pm and is virtual. We are pleased that Dr. Charlotte Jourdain, MWPA consultant, will present and lead a discussion on the MWPA Evacuation/Ingress/Egress Risk Assessment project with Tami Lavezzo at Sonoma Technology, the firm that created the modeling behind the Evacuation Risk Assessment.
RSVP: Please RSVP to this email- espwildires@gmail.com
California has experienced a growing number of wildfires that have overwhelmed community preparedness and evacuation plans. The Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA) has undertaken a study to better understand and address wildfire evacuation route risks in Marin County. These risks include the lack of vehicle access, public notification failures, heavy traffic burdens, and low risk perception. As part of this effort, Sonoma Technology’s project team performed the Marin County Evacuation Risk Assessment Study, which included:
(1) conducting a literature review to understand the causes of civilian fatalities during evacuations;
(2) a review of available risk factor data for the county;
(3) dynamic modeling of fire progression, communications, and traffic flow for five county test areas across multiple timeline scenarios; and
(4) a current conditions assessment of evacuation difficulties across the county related to fire and fuels, communications platforms, human-decision making, and traffic flow.
The Study produced geographic information system (GIS)-based datasets and maps of aggregated evacuation difficulty scores for Marin County, which identify potential areas of high risk during evaluations. The results are also being used to develop a Mitigation Toolkit that considers different types of mitigation actions, including improved project planning, policy changes, and investment in capital projects.
ESP November 2023 Meeting
ESP Meeting Agenda, November 14, 2023
2-4 pm, by zoom
I. Welcome and Introduction- 2:00--2:10 pm
II. ESP Overview- 2:10 pm to -2:15 pm
III. Presentation followed by Q&A- The Handbook for Ecologically Informed Vegetation
Management in Sonoma County, 2:15 to 3:15 pm (see below)
IV. Report from MWPA, Jordan Reeser, MCF -3:15- 3:30 pm
V. Next Meeting, December 12, 2023, 2-4 pm, Charlotte Jourdain and Tami Lavesso- MWPA Evacuation/Ingress/Egress Risk Assessment project
The Handbook for Ecologically Informed Vegetation Management in Sonoma County (Handbook) project will be presented by Eric Schoohs and Caitlin Cornwall from the Sonoma Ecology Center (SEC). The Handbook distills guidance from a range of disciplines to help residents, landowners, and professional land managers define and achieve their land management goals. Their work complements our Ecologically Sound Practices in effect since June, 2022. It is slated for publication early 2024.
Eric Schoohs, is the lead Project manager for the Handbook. He is a Land Management Planner and Vegetation Management Specialist at the Sonoma Ecology Center. Eric has trained and led crews in ecologically informed stewardship all over the west coast (including throughout Marin County), designed and managed ecological restoration projects, and is a naturalist guide. He has a B.S. in Biology and Environmental Studies from University of Wisconsin, and first became involved in conservation through AmeriCorps.
Caitlin Cornwall, MS, is a Senior Project Manager at the Sonoma Ecology center. Caitlin is a biologist who leads planning and partnerships and advises on technical projects for SEC where she has worked since 1998. She is the project director for Sonoma Valley Collaborative, a cross-sector coalition addressing challenges to Sonoma Valley’s people, economy, and environment, such as housing affordability. A Sonoma County native, she is the lead author of the Biodiversity Action Plan for Sonoma County, the Climate Resilience Roadmap for Sonoma County, and Homes for a Sustainable Sonoma Valley.
Her areas of expertise are land use ecology, watershed health indicators, communicating with nontechnical audiences, and building diverse, successful partnerships. After the 2017 North Bay fires, she led hundreds of people on “fire recovery walks” in burned areas. Caitlin has a bachelor’s degree in biology and a master’s degree in botany, and lives in Sonoma.
ESP October Meeting
ESP meeting, October 10, 2023
2-4 pm, by zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83304105666?pwd=bVVQMVkzRGZlaExjWVE4QWFXUUw5dz09
I. Welcome and Introductions
II. ESP Overview
III. Reports from Mark Brown and Anne Crealock
IV. Presentation 1 hour beginning at 2:30 pm
Frontiers of Fire survey course: managing wildfires with Ecologically Sound Practices – a summary and critique.
Josh Dimon, a scientist with the U.C. Berkeley Disaster Lab who helped design FIRE Foundry, will lead a Panel of key participants to tell the story of how members of ESP rallied around request from him to adapt the Ecologically Sound Practices to a curriculum for Fire Foundry recruits.
How It Happened and Who Was Involved
Mission: Prepare recruits for sustainable wage careers in fire management and build skills in ESP and best available technologies into core of future fire service
Units offered
: Technological Innovation in Fire Management:
How We Get Here and Where We Are Going
Living on the Edge: ESP, the WUI, Shaded Fuel Breaks, and DSpace:
Adaptations to Living with Fire
Building the Best: expanded wage careers
Ø Future
Ø Discussion
V. Future meetings- Next meeting November 14
ESP Advisory Group AGENDA
ESP Advisory Group AGENDA
September 6, 2023, 2:00 pm
Zoom invite:
I. 2023/24 ATC meetings: corresponding dates for Advisory Group (decide whether Mondays or Tuesdays are preferable). The role of the ATC is to develop the Core, Defensible Space Evaluation/Mitigation, and Local Wildfire Mitigation proposals for inclusion in the FY 2023-2024 Work Plan.
II. Future events
· October 10, 2023: Frontiers of Fire Summary, workforce options, what’s next (Josh Dimon (UC Berkeley, Fire Foundry manager)
· November 14, 2023: Biodiversity, Bonnie Morse (planning in process)
· December 12, 2023: open
Suggestions: so far:
· What made Maui Fire So Destructive- Marin relevance (Mark Brown, Daniel Swain, UCLA)
· How climate change risks from flooding, drought, extreme heat, species loss impact MWPA vegetation planning
III. Other ESP initiatives reflecting environmental and climate perspectives
· Follow MWPA as it engages in Strategic Planning (See Charlotte Jourdain on staff report “Measures of Success”)
· Work with Anne Crealock in her longer term planning as she seeks additional staff and identifies resources
· What are ESP questions and suggestions
ESP July Meeting
Agenda- July 11, 2023
Ecologically Sound Practices Partnership (ESP), 2-4 pm
Welcome and ESP Update- Belle, 10 minutes
MWPA Summer Overview- Mark Brown, 5 minutes
Speaker: Chance Cutrano Director of Programs, Resource Renewal Institute. Chance will present his innovative research and practices in rice cultivation in California and beyond, and explain how these lessons and tools can inform climate adaptation, fire prevention and biodiversity restoration strategies closer to home. 1 hour with 20 minutes for Q&A.
Chance, an ESP member, is an award-winning Bay Area environmentalist whose work centers around large landscape conservation, from the preservation of wildlife in National Parks to the restoration of biodiversity on working lands.
In 2021, Chance was awarded the inaugural "Champion of Promise" award in Food Sustainability from the Silicon Valley non-profit, Acterra, for his development of RRI's Fish in the Fields program in California’s rice growing region.
Chance is Mayor of Fairfax and Chair of Sierra Club San Francisco Bay Area Chapter.
Next Meeting: August 8; What Master Gardeners Are Up To
(Jim Kasper, Sophia Porter and Bob Mauceli)
ESP June Meeting
MWPA and ESP Partnership are co-hosting a guest speaker, Brandon Collins, Lead Scientist with Berkeley Forests and Associate Adjunct Professor with UC Berkeley Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management. Dr. Collins will discuss lessons learned in the Sierra with regard to California spotted owl habitat, forest management, and recent wildfires. Join us to learn, raise questions and share your expertise.
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88421898170?pwd=bDgzUmpDOXVMWFJwVUJIT2tMK2h2Zz09
Shortcut zoom link: bit.ly/owlsinthe sierra
ESP May Meeting
Agenda- June 9, 2023
Ecologically Sound Practices Partnership (ESP)
ESP Update- Belle- (10 minutes)
MWPA May submission to Board- Mark Brown, Anne Crealock (10 mnutes)
Greater Novato Shaded Fuel Break- Mike Swezy (Summary) (5 Minutes)
William Carney, Secretary, MarinCAN, ESP Core member, Marin Biomass Steering Committee member, President Sustainable San Rafael. Marin county climate change leader, scholar, researcher, strategist and advocate. (30 minutes plus 10 minutes, Q&A)
MarinCAN tackling climate change in Marin county- reducing greenhouse emissions 60% by 2030 and below net zero emissions by 2045. through sequestration in trees & soil, Ecologically Sound Practices, climate preparedness, MBP, earth friendly gardening, carbon farming, wildfire prevention practices, equity incentives, Solutions.
What we need to know about Ember Stomp- Jennifer Gauner, Fire Safe Marin (10-15 minutes)
ESP organizing Ember Stomp for May 20 (10 minutes)
June 13 meeting- MWPA Webinar
April ESP Meeting Cancelled
Dear Friends:
We are cancelling the April 11 meeting of the ESP Partnership. Instead, we will be holding a site visit April 26, 11:00a - 1:00p to view MWPA Wildfire Prevention efforts on the Marn City Fuel Reduction Project. The visit is hosted by MWPA, Marin County Fire & Ecologically Sound Practices Partnership. Details to follow…
Another exciting ESP project in April is preparing for three sessions of the Frontiers of Fire survey course "Managing Wildfires with Ecologically Sound Practices" to be taught to FIRE Foundry recruits at Indian Valley College. We will provide information and photos of these sessions on our website. Our work continues in preparing for Frontiers of Fire units during May and the summer. If you are interested in getting involved, let us know.
We will be back to you soon.
Belle and ESP Core team
ESP March Meeting
*2:00pm, March 14 UPDATE
Belle will begin the meeting shortly. Please use this link:
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89218190777?pwd=sbJWmTSRsrhA8pA6RVrbk70l2MJDQR.1
ESP MATTERS 2:00-:-2:10
1. Welcome and Introductions: Belle Cole
2. MWPA update: Mark Brown and Anne Crealock
PRESENTATION 2:15- 3:45 pm
Biodiversity and Demonstration Gardens
Bonnie Morse, a pollinator and plant specialist, has organized a panel on biodiversity to show: 1) why we are falling woefully short of the need to protect biodiversity and 2) what projects locally we are doing to change that. We look forward to active participation- many of you have expertise on native plants, insects, defensible space and biodiversity challenges.
Biodiversity loss and potential solutions
2:20pm Dr. Douglas Tallamy- University of Delaware, author of:
Nature's Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation that Starts in Your Yard
2:35pm Christopher Cosma- PhD student at UCR, focuses on the ecology of plant-insect interactions and the effects of climate change. To combat insect decline, he has created a web application for butterfly and moth conservation in California called The Butterfly Net.
Local Demonstration Gardens
(Approx. 10 minutes each, discuss design, purpose, what stage project is at currently, future goals)
2:55pm: April Owens- Station 63, San Marin, Novato
3:05pm: Denise Lucy & Bonnie Morse - Daniel Stralka Memorial Pollinator Habitat Garden, Dominican University, San Rafael
3:15pm: Dana Swisher – Neil Cummins Elementary and park, Corte Madera
3:25pm: Simon Wright- B Street Fire Adapted Demonstration Garden, San Rafael
3:35pm: Q&A
We recommend Making Peace With Nature as a resource for considering the three intertwined crises of biodiversity loss, climate change and pollution.
https://www.unep.org › resources › making-peace-nature
February Monthly ESP Mtg
Weather-delayed from January, we are fortunate to have two presentations this month.
1. Update on the ESP FIRE Foundry Course: Frontiers of Fire (9 units)
The course, prepared by Josh Dimon (FIRE Foundry) and ESP team members (Belle Cole, Meg McCabe, Tanya Baxter, Sophia Porter, and Paul da Silva} enables students to explore the connection between a healthy ecosystem and wildfire management through an understanding of the principles of the Ecological Sound Practices including their application to wildfire mitigation practices.
We will present the course outline and seek your participation for this coming Spring and Summer sessions.
2. Raising awareness about Urban Forests: Creating a healthy, safe and climate responsive urban forest
You will learn about planting trees: right species, right place, for the right reasons. Our presenters are uniquely qualified:
Igor Lacan, University of Calfornia Cooperative Extension Advisor for the San Francisco Bay Area who specializes in urban forestry.
Nancy Hughes, Executive Director of The California Urban Forests Council.
If possible, please RSVP to espwildfires@gmail.com
January Monthly ESP Mtg
Due to a storm-related power outage in our host’s neighborhood, our January 10 meeting needs to be rescheduled for our regular February 14 meeting. Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused our presenters and participants.
We are fortunate to have two presentations.
1. Update on the ESP FIRE Foundry Course: Frontiers of Fire (9 units)
The course, prepared by Josh Dimon (FIRE Foundry) and ESP team members (Belle Cole, Meg McCabe, Tanya Baxter, Sophia Porter, and Paul da Silva} enables students to explore the connection between a healthy ecosystem and wildfire management through an understanding of the principles of the Ecological Sound Practices including their application to wildfire mitigation practices.
We will present the course outline and seek your participation for this coming Spring and Summer sessions.
2. Raising awareness about Urban Forests: Creating a healthy, safe and climate responsive urban forest
You will learn about planting trees: right species, right place, for the right reasons. Our presenters are uniquely qualified:
Igor Lacan, University of Calfornia Cooperative Extension Advisor for the San Francisco Bay Area who specializes in urban forestry.
Nancy Hughes, Executive Director of The California Urban Forests Council.
If possible, please RSVP to espwildfires@gmail.com
From the ESP Partnership Steering Committee
Valley Memorial Park Eucalyptus Removal Project Field Trip
MWPA, Novato Fire, and the Ecologically Sound Practices Partnership are hosting a site visit to view a joint project of Novato Fire and the MWPA. Please consider joining us to learn more about the Valley Memorial Park Eucalyptus Removal Project. This project includes removal of a small, dense stand of eucalyptus trees as well as revegetation with native plant species. Please use the link below to register. We hope to see you there.
Location: Valley Memorial Park Cemetery off Bugeia Lane in Novato (near the back of the property,)
To Register: Please use this link to register for the field trip.
Helpful too to RSVP by responding to this email
Directions and Parking
Address is 650 Bugeia Lane.
From 101 Take Atherton exit, go east on Atherton, left on Bugeia, left at 650 enter thru main entrance.
MWPA and the Novato Fire Protection District Public Workshop
Tuesday, PUBLIC WORKSHOP November 9. 6-8 pm, zoom invite
Please join the MWPA and the Novato Fire Protection District for a public workshop discussing plans for the Greater Novato Shaded Fuel Break Project via Zoom on November 9, 6-8pm.
This project would include a fuel reduction zone between neighborhoods and wildlands in the Novato area. Environmental compliance is in progress and will be completed using the California Vegetation Treatment Program (CalVTP) in early 2023.
Zoom link:
Or One tap mobile:
+16694449171,,88050978852# US
+16699009128,,88050978852# US (San Jose)
Or join by phone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 669 444 9171 or +1 669 900 9128 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 719 359 4580 or +1 386 347 5053 or +1 564 217 2000 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 646 931 3860 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 309 205 3325 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 360 209 5623
Webinar ID: 880 5097 8852
Belle and ESP Team
415-847-8479 (cell)
November Monthly ESP Mtg
Dear Friends:
We are inviting you to three events coming up in early November. The first is next Tuesday, November 8, the ESP Partnership monthly meeting. On November 15 we are hosting a field trip to the Valley Memorial Park Eucalyptus Removal Project. And on November 9 MWPA and the Novato Fire Protection District are holding a public workshop on the Greater Novato Shaded Fuel Break Project via zoom. Detailed information on each follows.
Tuesday, ESP Meeting, November 8, 2-4 pm (election day)
Meeting Agenda
ESP Matters (2:10 to 2:20 pm)
Report on Field Trip, October 11, 2022 (see attached Notes)
MWPA update: Mark Brown and Anne Crealock, includes:
MWPA Public Workshop, 11.09.22
MWPA-ESP Field trip- 11.15 2022
PRESENTATION (2:20- 3:30 pm) The presentation features “Impacts from the Woodward Fire and their influence on community resilience" by Tanya Baxter, botanist and natural resource management specialist. Jun Kinoshita with the National Wildfire Coordinating group will join her.. He is a former Fire Archeologist for Yosemite National Park. He will speak about the Natural Resource Advisor Program he led.
The 5000 acre Woodward Fire at Point Reyes National Seashore in 2020 burned throughout diverse plant assemblages on the coast. A mix of fire intensity and recent fire history influenced what grew back. In 2021 monitoring plots were designed to address several different compositional changes, including fuel loads and plant diversity. They will discuss how these methodologies are applicable to other fires in the state.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 892 1819 0777
Passcode: 543223
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 669 444 9171 US
September Monthly ESP Mtg
AGENDA, 9.13.22, 2-4 PM
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89218190777?pwd=sbJWmTSRsrhA8pA6RVrbk70l2MJDQR.1
ESP matters: Highlights of Steering Committee meeting. .8.10.22
Report on Field Trip, August 17, Ross Valley Shaded Fuel Break (refer to our website)
MWPA update: Mark Brown and Anne Crealock
FIRE Foundry and ESP: New Collaborative Opportunities for Workforce Training
Presenters: Belle Cole, Josh Dimon, Paul De Silva, Sophia Porter
Topics: ESP Best Practices, FIRE Foundry, and linking new educational opportunities and emerging jobs in fire service and fire-related careers
Marin Biomass Project
Presenters: Belle Cole, Chad White, Bruce Goines, Nancy Scolari
Greater Ross Valley Field Trip
MWPA staff would like to make sure you are aware of a field trip to the Greater Ross Valley Shaded Fuel Break at 9:30am on August 17 that we are hosting with the ESP Partnership, Central Marin Fire, and Marin County Open Space District. Information for this field trip is available on our project webpage along with a link to RSVP. The field trip will last approximately two hours and will require up to a mile of hiking on trails.