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ESP March Meeting

*2:00pm, March 14 UPDATE

Belle will begin the meeting shortly. Please use this link:

Zoom Link:

ESP MATTERS 2:00-:-2:10

1.    Welcome and Introductions: Belle Cole

2.    MWPA update: Mark Brown and Anne Crealock


PRESENTATION 2:15- 3:45 pm 

Biodiversity and Demonstration Gardens

Bonnie Morse, a pollinator and plant specialist, has organized a panel on biodiversity to show: 1) why we are falling woefully short of the need to protect biodiversity and 2) what projects locally we are doing to change that.  We look forward to active participation- many of you have expertise on native plants, insects, defensible space and biodiversity challenges. 

Biodiversity loss and potential solutions

2:20pm Dr. Douglas Tallamy- University of Delaware, author of:
Nature's Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation that Starts in Your Yard

2:35pm Christopher Cosma-  PhD student at UCR, focuses on the ecology of plant-insect interactions and the effects of climate change. To combat insect decline, he has created a web application for butterfly and moth conservation in California called The Butterfly Net.

 Local Demonstration Gardens

(Approx. 10 minutes each, discuss design, purpose, what stage project is at currently, future goals)

2:55pm: April Owens-  Station 63, San Marin, Novato

3:05pm: Denise Lucy & Bonnie Morse -  Daniel Stralka Memorial Pollinator Habitat Garden, Dominican University, San Rafael

3:15pm: Dana Swisher – Neil Cummins Elementary and park, Corte Madera

3:25pm: Simon Wright- B Street Fire Adapted Demonstration Garden, San Rafael

3:35pm: Q&A

We recommend  Making Peace With Nature  as a resource for considering the three intertwined crises of biodiversity loss, climate change and pollution. › resources › making-peace-nature 

February 14

February Monthly ESP Mtg

April 26

April ESP Meeting Cancelled