ESP Partnership Meeting, March 12, 2024
Zoom link:
Welcome and Introductions, 10 minutes
ESP Overview , including future events, 5-10 minutes
Report from Anne Crealock on MWPA developments, 5-10 minutes
Presentation including Q&A, beginning at 2:30 pm for an hour plus
Mark Brown will present on "What made Maui fire so destructive and burning of Canada's northwest boreal forests”.
Mark will discuss:
how climate change has impacted fires globally
how climate change has changed the wildfire environment within boreal forests throughout the world
impacts climate change may have had during the Lahaina and other factors that had more of an influence in Lahaina
how this helps to inform our work towards becoming fire adapted in Marin County.
Brief Background on speaker, Mark Brown
Mark is the Executive Officer, Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority.
He started his career as a volunteer firefighter in 1986 in Sonoma County. He was hired by the Marin County Fire Department as a Firefighter/Paramedic in 1991 and retired as the Deputy Fire Chief after serving for nearly 30 years. Mark retired in order to assume the position as Executive Officer of MWPA, a joint powers agency charged with increasing the safety of Marin’s residents. through vegetation management projects, evacuation route clearing, evacuation system improvements, public education and defensible space evaluations.
Mark served on a CAL FIRE Incident Management Team for 15 years as a Type I Operations Section Chief and was qualified as a Type II Incident Commander. Chief Brown was a founding member of the North Bay Incident Management Team, a Type III All-Hazards IMT in the San Francisco Bay Area and was the Program Manager and one of the Incident Commanders.