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March ESP Monthly Mtg

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

1.     Welcome and Introductions 

2.     March update on ESP 

·      ESP moving Forward (see attachment)

·      ESP website (in progress)- Larry

·      MWPA announcements- Mark

·      Review status of ESP for Vegetation Management, January 26, 2022 – Anne

·      ESP advisory groups forming and meeting 

3.     Presentation & Q&A- Sarah Phillips, Marin RCD. Urban Streams Program Manager- 2:30- 3pm 

Presenting"Working Together for Marin's Watersheds; How Marin County Teamed up with Marin RCD". Sarah will review the Urban Streams Coordination Program to date and how it intersects with a variety of stakeholders and overlaps with shared interests in Marin relating to natural resource conservation and ecological restoration.  

4.     Discussion Of Marin Biomass Project 3: 15- 3:45 pm.

Presentation: Belle Cole, Bill Carney Marin Biomass Project-Creating environmentally responsible utilization pathways in an urban-rural costal region”-

February 8

February Monthly ESP Mtg

April 12

April Monthly ESP Mtg