Agenda- June 9, 2023
Ecologically Sound Practices Partnership (ESP)
ESP Update- Belle- (10 minutes)
MWPA May submission to Board- Mark Brown, Anne Crealock (10 mnutes)
Greater Novato Shaded Fuel Break- Mike Swezy (Summary) (5 Minutes)
William Carney, Secretary, MarinCAN, ESP Core member, Marin Biomass Steering Committee member, President Sustainable San Rafael. Marin county climate change leader, scholar, researcher, strategist and advocate. (30 minutes plus 10 minutes, Q&A)
MarinCAN tackling climate change in Marin county- reducing greenhouse emissions 60% by 2030 and below net zero emissions by 2045. through sequestration in trees & soil, Ecologically Sound Practices, climate preparedness, MBP, earth friendly gardening, carbon farming, wildfire prevention practices, equity incentives, Solutions.
What we need to know about Ember Stomp- Jennifer Gauner, Fire Safe Marin (10-15 minutes)
ESP organizing Ember Stomp for May 20 (10 minutes)
June 13 meeting- MWPA Webinar