Dedicated to reducing wildfire risk through ecologically sound practices that minimize release of greenhouse gases and protect the biodiversity and resilience of Marin‘s landscapes.
The Ecologically Sound Practices Partnership is a collaboration between the fire authorities and climate and environmental organizations of Marin to mitigate the risk of wildfires wisely.
The coalition advises Marin's fire professionals, defines best practices to guide the implementation of the wildfire prevention plans, and offers expertise and recommendations on specific projects. It serves as a community resource.
Vegetation Management and Habitat Restoration
This group focuses on developing best management practices for fuel reduction projects in wildlands, provides subject matter expertise for project development, and environmental regulatory compliance.
Photo: MMWD Pumpkin Ridge/Madrone Trail Habitat Restoration Project March 2022 -
Carbon Resource Management
Now in its fourth year, the Biomass Collaborative is developing best management practices for reducing carbon emissions and sequestrating carbon; and for managing green waste and other issues related to conserving carbon. A biomass recovery study endorsed by Drawdown: Marin (now MarinCAN) was an ESP project.
Defensible Space for Ecological Benefit
This team focuses on providing best practices and ecological messages related to defensible space with target audiences including the general public, residents, landscape professionals, and defensible space inspectors.
Photo ©2022 Marin Independent Journal
Context and background
Marin’s fire departments have worked together to develop and create the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA) to implement a comprehensive wildfire prevention and emergency preparedness program for Marin County.
Reference Documents:
2020 CAP-Fire Presentation on Climate Change and Marin Working Lands
China Camp Oakridge Trail Controlled burn
November, 2023
Fire Smart Gardens
Choosing landscaping plants in a fire-prone environment
Fire Safe Marin provides a curated list of plants favorable to Marin’s climate and soils. Considerations like ease of maintenance, lack of volatile oils, drought tolerance, and non-invasive status, are also part of the selection process. Please also visit the Marin chapter of the California Native Plant Society and Marin Master Gardeners for additional fire smart, drought tolerant planting advice.
Golden Yarrow Eriophyllum confertiflorum