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Special ESP/MWPA July 2024 Event

Wednesday, July 10, from noon to 1:30 pm
Professor Daniel Swain, UCLA
, presenting, along with Mark Brown, on Wildfires and Climate Change

Dear Friends: 

We are delighted to remind you of this exciting and timely event.  A few tips: doors open at noon, event begins at 12:15 pm. Parking is available in parking lot at 1600 Los Gamos Drive. Please register asap. 

Dr. Daniel Swain, UCLA, is presenting, along with Mark Brown, on Wildfires and Climate Change in Northern California. Dr. Swain will be here in person.  The meeting is taking place in MWPA chambers, 1600 Los Gamos Dr., suite 335, San Rafael. CA 94903. The meeting will also be broadcast via Zoom.

Daniel (popularly known as "Weather West") currently holds joint appointments as a climate scientist within UCLA’s Institute of the Environment and Sustainability and a research fellow in the Capacity Center for Climate and Weather Extremes at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. You can find him on Twitter/XYouTube, and the Weather West blog.

Registration required (for both in-person and virtual attendance):



Forest Health Restoration Best Practices Workshop 

The Workshop addressed current conditions of Marin Forest lands and discussed best management practices available to restore health and resilience of our forest systems. We include here video of meeting, attachments including new document on the ESP Partnership). 


The Panel was moderated by Bruce Goines..
Panel members were::

Danny Franco, Sr. Project Manager, One Tam/Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy “ Key findings from the Marin Regional Forest Health Strategy: summarizing the impact of fire exclusion, pathogens, and climate change on forest resilience across Marin County”.  

Anne Crealock, MWPA Planning And Program Manager “Wildfire Prevention practices currently being employed by Marin's Joint Powers Authority to protect the built environment and reduce risks of catastrophic wildfire in Marin's Wildland Urban Interface. 

Dr. Malcolm North, PSW Research, UC Davis “Best available science-based practices to reduce the risk of catastrophic fires and restore forest health”

Tori Norville, UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Fire Science Advisor servingSonoma, Napa and Marin Counties. “Going beyond the WUI – How Forest Management Practices and Disturbance Ecology Interact”

Best wishes,

Belle and Core Team


415-482-6627 (cell)

May 14

ESP May 2024 Meeting

July 23

ESP July 23 Meeting