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ESP July 23 Meeting

Tuesday, July 23,  2-4 pm

Invite link: 

ESP, Fire Foundry "Frontiers of Fire" course: report on completion  of second year of training.  

Those presenting: Josh Dimon and Fire Foundry staff, recruits and ESP presenters. This year we had a total of 35 different speakers from various fields, around ~20 recruits in each session, and 14 individual sessions. 

Following the meeting, we are hosting a celebration in appreciation of all who have made this possible at Belle Cole's home, 38 Oakdale Ave.,San Rafael, 94901 starting at 4:30 pm. We especially want to thank Louis Chow who staffed the complex 2024 effort and will be leaving us. You are all invited. 

Best wishes,

Belle and Core Team


415-482-6627 (cell)

July 10

Special ESP/MWPA July 2024 Event