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ESP November 2023 Meeting

ESP Meeting Agenda, November 14, 2023
2-4 pm, by zoom 

I.             Welcome and Introduction- 2:00--2:10 pm

II.            ESP Overview- 2:10 pm to -2:15 pm

III.           Presentation followed by Q&A- The Handbook for Ecologically Informed Vegetation
Management in Sonoma County
, 2:15 to 3:15 pm (see below)

IV.          Report from MWPA, Jordan Reeser, MCF -3:15- 3:30 pm

V.          Next Meeting, December 12, 2023, 2-4 pm, Charlotte Jourdain and Tami Lavesso- MWPA Evacuation/Ingress/Egress Risk Assessment project

 The Handbook for Ecologically Informed Vegetation Management in Sonoma County (Handbook) project will be presented by Eric Schoohs and Caitlin Cornwall from the Sonoma Ecology Center (SEC). The Handbook distills guidance from a range of disciplines to help residents, landowners, and professional land managers define and achieve their land management goals. Their work complements our Ecologically Sound Practices in effect since June, 2022. It is slated for publication early 2024.

Eric Schoohs, is the lead Project manager for the Handbook. He is a Land Management Planner and Vegetation Management Specialist at the Sonoma Ecology Center. Eric has trained and led crews in ecologically informed stewardship all over the west coast (including throughout Marin County), designed and managed ecological restoration projects, and is a naturalist guide. He has a B.S. in Biology and Environmental Studies from University of Wisconsin, and first became involved in conservation through AmeriCorps.

Caitlin Cornwall, MS, is a Senior Project Manager at the Sonoma Ecology center. Caitlin is a biologist who leads planning and partnerships and advises on technical projects for SEC where she has worked since 1998. She is the project director for Sonoma Valley Collaborative, a cross-sector coalition addressing challenges to Sonoma Valley’s people, economy, and environment, such as housing affordability. A Sonoma County native, she is the lead author of the Biodiversity Action Plan for Sonoma County, the Climate Resilience Roadmap for Sonoma County, and Homes for a Sustainable Sonoma Valley.

Her areas of expertise are land use ecology, watershed health indicators, communicating with nontechnical audiences, and building diverse, successful partnerships. After the 2017 North Bay fires, she led hundreds of people on “fire recovery walks” in burned areas. Caitlin has a bachelor’s degree in biology and a master’s degree in botany, and lives in Sonoma.

October 10

ESP October Meeting