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ESP October Meeting


ESP meeting, October 10, 2023

2-4 pm, by zoom:  

I.               Welcome and Introductions                      

II.             ESP Overview

III.           Reports from Mark Brown and Anne Crealock

IV.           Presentation 1 hour beginning at 2:30 pm

 Frontiers of Fire survey course: managing wildfires with Ecologically Sound Practices – a summary and critique. 

Josh Dimon, a scientist with the U.C. Berkeley Disaster Lab who helped design FIRE Foundry, will lead a Panel of key participants to tell the story of how members of ESP rallied around request from him to adapt the Ecologically Sound Practices to a curriculum for Fire Foundry recruits.

  • How It Happened and Who Was Involved

  • Mission: Prepare recruits for sustainable wage careers in fire management and build skills in ESP and best available technologies into core of future fire service

  • Units offered

:           Technological Innovation in Fire Management:          

            How We Get Here and Where We Are Going

            Living on the Edge: ESP, the WUI, Shaded Fuel Breaks, and DSpace:        

            Adaptations to Living with Fire

 Building the Best: expanded wage careers

Ø Future

Ø Discussion

V.            Future meetings- Next meeting November 14

September 6

ESP Advisory Group AGENDA

November 14

ESP November 2023 Meeting