Please join us at the ESP Partnership meeting: Wednesday, November 13, 2-4 pm
Zoom link:
Our presenters, Mark Brown, Bruce Goines and Todd Lando will have attended The Red Sky Summit in San Francisco the day before our meeting and will be reporting on what they learned about developing and scaling innovative technology-based solutions to the wildfire crisis. A unique opportunity for us.
Upcoming field trip and meetings:
· December 6, 10 to noon, Southern Marin Ring Mountain Field trip (not confirmed)
· December 10, 2-4 pm. Marin Master Gardeners- Adapting your garden to climate change and wildfire risk- presentations from Kathy Hunting & Kathleen Cutter. UC Marin Master Gardeners are UC trained and certified volunteers who provide research-based knowledge on sustainable landscape practices, pest management, and home horticulture to gardeners in Marin county.
· January 14, 2025, 2-4 pm. Marin Wildfire Project Data Collection and Monitoring, Anne Crealock, Marin Wildfire Planning and Program Manager, and Jacob Dadmun, Marin Wildfire Vegetation Management Specialist will present on Marin Wildfire's new data collection and monitoring program, which tracks all core Measure C-funded vegetation management projects throughout the county. There will be an overview of how the system works, what data are collected, and how the tool will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of treatments, and create new opportunities for adaptive management
Please RSVP if you can.
Belle and Core Team