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ESP: Marin Biomass Project: Our Progress So Far

We are meeting Tuesday, October 8 from 2-4 p.m. on zoom. Here is link: 

If  you have any difficulty accessing the link, please call the phone number below. 

There will be a presentation on the “Marin Biomass Project: Our Progress So Far” by Chad White, Project Manager and Belle Cole, Chair, Biomass Steering Committee. Other ESP members who also are members of the Biomass Steering Committee, will be present and contributing. 

The Marin Biomass Project was developed to identify positive ways for Marin to use biomass flows from wildfire prevention. Two years ago this project secured a grant from the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research to carry out a Biomass Utilization Study (Study). The goal of this Study is to make recommendations that can catalyze Marin’s sustainable development of a new circular bio-economy that not only drives down greenhouse gas emissions, but also supports regenerative agricultural practices and a more regenerative economy.


ESP partnership Meeting, October 8, 2024. 2-4 pm

I. Welcome and Introductions, Belle, 5 minutes

II. Latest with ESP, Belle, 5 minutes

III. MWPA Updates and Announcements, Anne Crealock, 10 minutes

IV. Firesafe Marin- Results from Ember Stomp, 5-10 minutes

V. Presentation and Q&A: Marin Biomass Project: Our Progress So Far

1 hour and 20 minutes

Chad White and Belle Cole will present slides and invite discussion covering the Marin Biomass Project’s purpose, approach (principles) and observations so far about biomass flows and promising utilization pathways, followed by consideration of next steps. They invite questions to the chat and direct participation. For information on the

Marin Biomass Project see:

VI. Next meetings and Field Trips

 Tuesday, October 22,10 am. Site visit to the Greater Novato Shaded Fuel Break Project (GNSFB). This will be a brief (1 hr) site visit to see how this project is progressing and learn about the use of pile burning. For more information, visit the project webpage.

 Wednesday, November 13, 2- 4 pm, Innovative High Tech and fire prevention- reflections from Marin fire professionals on the Red Sky Summit, 2024 presentations and high tech demos, Mark Brown, Bruce Goines and other Marin attendees.

 December 10, 2-4 pm. Marin Master Gardeners- Adapting Your Garden to

Climate Change and Wildfire Risk- presentations from Kathy Hunting and Kathleen Cutter. UC Marin Master Gardeners are UC trained and certified volunteers who provide research-based knowledge on sustainable landscape practices, pest management, and home horticulture to gardeners in Marin county.

 January 14, 2025, 2-4 pm. Marin Wildfire Project Data Collection and

Monitoring, Anne Crealock, Marin Wildfire Planning and Program Manager, and Jacob Dadmun, Marin Wildfire Vegetation Management Specialist will present on Marin Wildfire’s new data collection and monitoring program, which tracks all core Measure C-funded vegetation management projects throughout the county. There will be an overview of how the system works, what data are collected, and how the tool will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of treatments, and create new opportunities for adaptive management.

July 23

ESP July 23 Meeting

November 13

ESP Partnership meeting: Addressing the wildfire crisis.