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ESP August Meeting 2023

Agenda- August 8, 2023

Ecologically Sound Practices Partnership (ESP)
2-4 pm

 Zoom Invite: Click Here  

  • Welcome and ESP Update- Belle, 10 minutes

  • MWPA Overview- Mark Brown and Anne Crealock, 5-10 minutes

  • Greater Novato Shaded Fuel Break Launch- Mike Swezy, 5 minutes

  • Other Announcements- Next meeting September 12, 2023

  • Presentation: UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE) and Marin Master Gardeners (MMG) – activities and partnerships for educating Marin community on fire smart landscaping and ecologically sound practices.

Presenters: Sophia Porter, Jim Kasper and Bob Mauceli


Overview of MMG (5 mins.)

MMG/UCCE Mission

Ø  To extend research-based knowledge and information on home horticulture, pest

       management, and sustainable landscape practices to Marin residents.

Ø  MMG Theme;  Earth-friendly gardening

Ø  Includes much of the ESP foundational area of Ecologically Sound Practices for

       Defensible Space, especially with MMG’s Fire Smart Landscaping Project 

Ø  Personnel makeup

Ø  Volunteer pool; Projects


Activities in UCCE FSL Coordinator and MMGs with focus on this year (July 2022-June 2023) (15Mins.)

Brief review of the April 24 presentations to the FIRE Foundry (15 mins. each)

Ø  Theory; about fire risk and appropriate actions to take

Ø  Practical; implementation at one property 

Ø  A review of Climate Change and the impact to the gardener

Bios of ESP Presenters 

Sophia Porter is the Fire-smart Landscape Science Coordinator for UCCE, Marin

and works with UC Marin Master Gardeners and local agencies focusing on

education, outreach, and research. She holds a bachelor’s degree from UC Davis

in Communications and Psychology and several degrees from SRJC in Natural

Resources and Environmental Studies. She has experience in Natural Resource

Management and Education.


Jim Kasper joined UC Marin Master Garden in 2011. His gardening area of interest

is California natives with particular attention to garden planning and plant

selection for fire-risk mitigation and defensible space. Since a 12-acre fire on

forested, public land 1/4-mile from his home, Jim has focused on the topics of

native plants and fire risk mitigation with various organizations, including GGNRA,

Marin County Parks, Marin Master Gardeners, fire agencies in Marin County and

the Marin Chapter of the California Native Plant Society.  


Bob Mauceli: has been a Master Gardener for almost 18 years, serving for nine

years in the Upstate Western NY County of Monroe and, as a member of the

MMG Class of 2014, working on his ninth year here. He is also newly QWEL

certified, and a UC Certified Climate Steward. Bob is a co-founder of the MMG

Native Plants Guild, co-lead of the Help-Desk Senior Team, and a member of the

Garden Walks field team. With Jim Kasper, Bob is an original member of the MMG

Fire-Smart Landscape (FSL) Team.

July 11

ESP July Meeting

September 6

ESP Advisory Group AGENDA