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ESP Advisory Group AGENDA

ESP Advisory Group AGENDA

September 6, 2023, 2:00 pm

Zoom invite:


I.               2023/24 ATC meetings: corresponding dates for Advisory Group (decide whether Mondays or Tuesdays are preferable). The role of the ATC is to develop the Core, Defensible Space Evaluation/Mitigation, and Local Wildfire Mitigation proposals for inclusion in the FY 2023-2024 Work Plan.


II.             Future events

·      October 10, 2023: Frontiers of Fire Summary, workforce options, what’s next (Josh Dimon (UC Berkeley, Fire Foundry manager)

·      November 14, 2023: Biodiversity, Bonnie Morse (planning in process)

·      December 12, 2023: open 

             Suggestions: so far:

·       What made Maui Fire So Destructive- Marin relevance  (Mark Brown, Daniel Swain, UCLA)

·      How climate change risks from flooding, drought, extreme heat, species loss impact MWPA vegetation planning


III.            Other ESP initiatives reflecting environmental and climate perspectives

·      Follow  MWPA  as it engages in Strategic Planning (See Charlotte Jourdain on staff report “Measures of Success”)

·      Work with Anne Crealock in her longer term planning as she seeks additional staff and identifies resources

·      What are ESP questions and suggestions




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